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Adolescent Mood during Puberty and Testosterone Study

What is the research study about?

The pubertal transition marks an abrupt divergence between the sexes in rates of mood disorders (e.g., depression) in female adolescents, and externalizing disorders (i.e., attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)) in male adolescents. The COVID-19 pandemic has further widened the gender gap in adolescent mental health, with a concerning escalation in depression, anxiety and suicide attempts in female adolescents. A differential effect of sex hormones (e.g., testosterone) on symptom expression may underlie these sex differences in adolescent psychopathology. For the first time, the AMPT study will examine sex differences in the brain activity underlying mood changes tied to testosterone. Additionally, the AMPT study will examine whether a smartphone-based training program (Healthy Minds Program), will help improve emotion regulation and coping skills in adolescents during the pubertal transition.

Who is eligible?

We are currently recruiting adolescents ages 12-14 who are experiencing greater stress and mood during the pubertal transition and are not currently taking any prescription medications that alter mood or hormones. Must have a personal mobile device to participate.

What does participation involve?

The study will be completed over 8 weeks and will include a baseline phase with weekly salivary hormone collections and symptom ratings, followed by a mobile health training phase, in which participants are randomization to the Healthy Minds Program or a waitlist control. Participation will include:

  • Screening to determine eligibility (5 minutes)
  • clinical interview and enrollment session (interview and self-report surveys on mood, stress, puberty and emotional processing (1 hour)
  • Weekly salivary hormone collections (9 total)
  • Weekly mood and stress questionnaires (10 total)
  • 3 biobehavioral testing sessions (1.5 hour) in-person laboratory sessions involving non-invasive measurement of brain activity (EEG) during a computer task.
  • 4-weeks of using a mobile training program (Healthy Minds Program)


Your child may earn up to $265 for their involvement in the study, and will be compensated for each part of the study they complete:

  • $15 for enrollment session (1 hour)
  • $5 for each saliva collection (x 9 =$45)
  • $5 for each weekly mood survey (x10 =$50)
  • $20 for each biobehavioral testing session (x 3 =$60)
  • $20 for each week of using the mobile training program (x 4 =$80)
  • $20 bonus for completing the study

Find out if your child is eligible!

For more information, please contact the study coordinator (Kayla Jensen) at

This research study was approved by the UNC Biomedical IRB (#23-1336). You may contact the Institutional Review Board at (919) 966-3113 or email